Friday, March 11, 2011

What We Plan To Do

Mary and I are going to take a motor tour of the Southwest in May. We're a couple of old people but we're pretty healthy and we're going to take it easy and also camp out in a tent many nights, as if we were still young.

Mary has never been to the Southwest, and I only passed through quickly with my first wife many years ago. This may be the last serious travel we do together, and I want to record our experience and take photos and share this with anyone who is interested.

Although I had only a little time when there last I have never forgotten the huge spaces and bright light and places that looked like you were on an alien planet. And I've never seen the Grand Canyon!

Here's our plan:

28-Apr          Thu    Travel to Selma—civil war battle reenactment with friends!
29-Apr          Fri      Selma party
30-Apr          Sat     Selma Party
1-May           Sun    Church; Leave for Leland MS (maybe stay with Srovalls?)
2-May           Mon    Leland; leave for San Antonio, stay in Shreveport area
3-May           Tue    San Antonio: Alamo and River Walk
4-May           Wed   San Antonio to Big Bend NP
5-May           Thu    Big Bend NP
6-May           Fri      Big Bend NP
7-May           Sat     BigBend to Carlsbad NP
8-May           Sun    Carlsbad NP/Guadalupe NP
9-May           Mon    Carlsbad/Guadalupe
10-May         Tue    Carlsbad to White Sands NM (camp)
11-May         Wed   White Sands NM
12-May         Thu    White Sands NM; leave for Tucson
13-May         Fri      Tucson
14-May         Sat     Tucson to Albuquerque
15-May         Sun    Albuquerque
16-May         Mon    Albuquerque
17-May         Tue    Albuquerque Talin Graduation
18-May         Wed   Leave for Mesa Verde
19-May         Thu    Mesa Verde NP; leave for Arches NP
20-May         Fri      Arches NP
21-May         Sat     Arches NP to Zion/Bryce NP's
22-May         Sun    Zion/Bryce NP
23-May         Mon    Zion/Bryce NP to Grand Canyon NP
24-May         Tue    Grand Canyon NP
25-May         Wed   Grand Canyon NP to Monument Valley
26-May         Thu    Monument Valley
27-May         Fri      Monument Valley to Flagstaff
28-May         Sat     Flagstaff to El Paso
29-May         Sun    El Paso  to Houston
30-May         Mon    Memorial Day--Houston to Mobile
31-May         Tue    Mobile to Home

About 6000 miles--at nearly $4/gallon gas may be our biggest expense.

Anyone want to join us for a piece of the trip? BYO camping gear! Any comments on our itinerary?!


  1. What a wonderful trip you've planned. Will look forward to following on line. Camping vicariously thru Don and Mary. Use an air mattress in that tent for me and be careful...

  2. Just to clear up any mystery since it looked like the post went in my blogger avatar persona, I'm Laura white Wiley, little sister of Eleanor, if anyone almost 60 can be a little sister?

  3. April - May seems like a good time to go from a weather perspective! Good planning.
